- Shop : Peran 37 - Ampelokipi Thessaloniki
- Βranch: Metochi Saint Nicholas, Monoxilitis Mount Athos
- [email protected]
- +30 2310 385857
How we are
EVLOYIA was established in 2013 with the sole mission of providing authentic products from Mount Athos in Greece and abroad. For this reason, it was staffed from the very first moment with scientifically trained executives, to produce certified products of high quality, while having extensive experience in the food and beverage industry. The year 2016 is regarded as a milestone, when our company came to an agreement with the Saint Paul’s Monastery and took up the exclusive management of the monastery’s metochi in the Monoxilitis location, implementing an innovative program in Mount Athos, with the aim of producing and promoting the metochi’s goods in the Greek market, as well as in the foreign markets under the brand name MONOXILITIS
In this way, our company contributes, among other things, to the support of the monks, as well as to the preservation of the Mount Athos legacy, always having the same philosophy and mission:
to produce consistently unique products, based on and inspired by the special Athonite way of life and the rich tradition of Mount Athos, aiming to offer products of high quality all over the world, in collaboration with specialized scientists and renowned organizations.
Our Values Uniqueness Effectiveness Lowiness Respect for nature
The pure environment of Mount Athos undoubtedly gives corresponding characteristics to the quality of the raw materials that grow in its soils, untouched by chemicals. The intense aromas and flavors, combined with the high nutritional value of the products produced make them unique worldwide, awarded for their quality and loved by Greeks and foreigners.
We act with teamwork, loyalty to the company and commitment to the customer, which is at the heart of our business. We develop and maintain long-term relationships based on the right service and the provision of high-quality products. We keep our promises to our customers, striving for continuous improvement.
We work as a team supporting the view that "together" we bring the best results. The high efficiency of these comes through healthy cooperation, listening to the suggestions of our colleagues and with a team spirit we work for our next moves with respect and devotion to the Mount Athos principles and tradition. Dialogue and courtesy are the key to maintaining long-term relationships inside and outside the workplace, while we base our relationships and activities on credibility, responsibility, and integrity.
A fundamental value of respect for nature, which has kept its purity untouched for many years now within the walls of Mount Athos and the desire of all, is the preservation of the quality of flora and fauna, through which we have the honor to enjoy excellent raw materials. The uniqueness of this environment leads us to understand its needs and with care and undivided care, we responsibly implement each stage of activities, enjoying in the end the unique flavors of MONOXILITIS products.
On the northwestern side of Mount Athos, before reaching the port of Jovanitsa, the Monoxilitis area spreads over an area of over 800 acres. According to our historical sources, the name has derived from a monk who used a single – wood (in Greek Monoxilo) boat to fish, while another version speaks of wood that was driven by the the Avars’ shipwrecked fleet during the siege of Constantinople in 626 AD.
The Saint Nicholas metochi of Saint Paul’s monastery, in the Monoxilitis location, is surrounded by pine forest, large botanical gardens and organic vineyards which we cultivate with endless love and care, in collaboration and under the supervision of the American Farm School. The metochi has two natural sources of quality drinkable water, excellent and unpolluted soil composition, and environmental microclimate. The biodiversity can impress even the most demanding naturalist, in a place where there were vineyards and olive groves since the beginning of the first millennium.
The unique route of the river and its ending in the “Three Brothers” sea waves, an enchanting place of three rocks that pop out in the shallows of the sea, give life and prospect to the domestic rich flora and fauna.
Mount Athos – Saint Pauls’ Monastery
Η Μονή του Αγίου Παύλου βρίσκεται στους δυτικούς πρόποδες του Άθω. Απέχει 20 λεπτά από τη θάλασσα και είναι αφιερωμένη στην Υπαπαντή του Χριστού. Η μονή καταστράφηκε πολλές φορές από διάφορες αιτίες, για αυτό και τα κτήριά της ανήκουν σε διάφορες χρονικές περιόδους. Το καθολικό κτίστηκε λίγο πριν τα μέσα του 19ου αι. H μονή διαθέτει δώδεκα παρεκκλήσια, με πιο αξιόλογο εκείνο του Αγίου Γεωργίου με τοιχογραφίες Kρητικής τέχνης (1555). Στη μονή υπάγονται δύο Σκήτες: η Νέα Σκήτη και του Αγίου Δημητρίου.
Πρώτη μνεία της μονής έχουμε στο β΄ μισό του 10ου αι., κυρίως του κτήτορά της Παύλου Ξηροποταμηνού και μετά στα 1259. Μετά τις επιδρομές των Καταλανών υποβιβάζεται σε κελί για να ξαναγίνει οριστικά μονή στο γ΄ τέταρτο του 14ου αι. Το 15ο αι. ενισχύεται οικονομικά από Σέρβους ηγεμόνες και στα μεταβυζαντινά χρόνια από ηγεμόνες παραδουνάβιων χωρών. Στη μονή φυλάσσονται φορητές εικόνες, κειμήλια, ιερά λείψανα και ιερα σκεύη. Η βιβλιοθήκη της μονής περιλαμβάνει 494 χειρόγραφα και περίπου 12.500 βιβλία.
Στη μονή είναι εγκατεστημένη αδελφότητα 30 μοναχών.
The land
Arable Acres
Vineyard altitude
Olive grove altitude